Disorders treated
Tra i principali disturbi trattati vi sono ansia, stress, depressione, disagio personale e sociale, crisi esistenziali, crisi di coppia, separazioni, problemi sessuologici, somatizzazioni e altri disturbi psicofisici, problemi per i figli, difficoltà madri-neonati.
Counseling consists of a series of sessions aimed at orienting the person with respect to specific decisions or problems.
Psychodiagnosis consists of five interviews aimed at evaluating the symptoms and personality of the person.
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a form of treatment of psychic suffering based on an interpersonal, conscious, and planned process. It has a frequency of one or more weekly sessions for a total duration that varies for each individual.
Home interventions
Home interventions are reserved for those situations in which part of the person's discomfort derives from the difficulty or impossibility of moving from home for physical or psychological reasons.
Psychoanalytic treatment's effectiveness
Numerous recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, by clicking below you can view two of them.